List Of University Libraries By Size NEW!
The size of libraries in the United States is determined by a number of metrics, including number of holdings (in terms of volumes or titles held), by circulation (i.e., library materials checked out or renewed); or by number of library visits.[1]
list of university libraries by size
Comparing the size of public libraries with research libraries (such as academic libraries) is complicated by the different definition of holdings or volumes used. The Association of Research Libraries uses the National Information Standards Organization definition of volume, which is "A single physical unit of any printed, typewritten, handwritten, mimeographed, or processed work, distinguished from other units by a separate binding, encasement, portfolio, or other clear distinction, which has been cataloged, classified, and made ready for use, and which is typically the unit used to charge circulation transactions."[4] In contrast, the Public Library Data Service Statistical Report (a publication of the Public Library Association, which is a division of the American Library Association) defines holdings as "the number of cataloged items (number of items, number of titles) plus paperbacks and videocassettes even if uncataloged."[4]
The American Library Association has published data on the size of 25 largest public libraries in the United States. These data are from the Institute of Museum and Library Services's Public Libraries Survey (PLS) for fiscal year 2016. The largest public libraries in the U.S. are far larger than the median public library in the country; almost four-fifths of U.S. public libraries serve areas with populations of fewer than 25,000.[1]
The Association of Research Libraries (ARL), a consortium of U.S. and Canada research libraries, reports statistical data on its 124 members (of which 114 are academic libraries within universities and 10 are non-academic research libraries). The ten non-university institutions in the ARL are the Boston Public Library, National Research Council Canada National Science Library, Center for Research Libraries, Library of Congress, National Agricultural Library, National Archives, National Library of Medicine, New York Public Library, New York State Library, and Smithsonian Libraries.
For lists of the largest public libraries only, see ALA Library Fact Sheet 13 - The Nation's Largest Public Libraries: Top 25 Rankings, which lists the top 25 public libraries in the United States by population served, by library collection, by circulation, and by library visits.
Below is a full list of institutions and library locations, with campus and library names included as needed for clarification. Click on the name of a college or university to visit its library website.
Attending medical school is singularly impressive; in most cases, only the brightest, most hardworking, ambitious students are accepted to and keep up with a medical university program of study. From course work to research to residencies, medical students likely spend more time in the library than they do at home. It's vital, then, to know not only about a university's curriculum and tuition, but also about its library's collections, special holdings, research support, digital resources, and even the design of its study areas. Whether you're applying to medical school, in the medical field, or just curious (many of these libraries are open to the public), invites you to look at our list of 25 Most Impressive University Medical School Libraries.
There are many beautiful, resourceful libraries in the world, but, of course, not all could be included here. Many libraries' collections are counted as part of the main university system library resources, and could therefore not specifically determine the precise medical school collections. determined that it would be most helpful to include only those libraries whose medical collections are known and available. Virtually all of the libraries provide general services: document delivery, on-campus computer labs, off-campus access to databases, research assistance, med student portals, mobile resources, and group study rooms. Any library with particularly notable or exceptional provisions is explicitly mentioned. Many well-known, high-ranking libraries have chosen to provide solely or primarily digital resources, so for the purposes of this list, they were not included.
1. Size and variety of holdings/resourcesInstitutions selected have at least 50,000 print volumes and at least 2,000 medical digital resources (e-journals, e-books, online databases). NB: The emphasis on size of a library's print collection is intentional. While some libraries have done away with traditional print volumes in favor of e-resources, a study done by the Pew Research Center finds that 69% of adults read print books, while only 28% have read an e-book, and 4% prefer electronic resources.
WebsiteThe Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library, connected to the University's Health Sciences Education Building, is one of the most environmentally-sustainable libraries on this list. Concerned about the massive amounts of waste paper generated by a library's discarded journals and printed paper, the library contracted with a recycling company to re-use as much material as possible, and has implemented in-house recycling measures such as bins and light conservation. In addition to its eco-friendly efforts, the library also offers substantial collections and varied holdings, including NOVEL, the Neuro-Ophthalmology Virtual Education Library, in which students and professionals can access lectures, images, articles, and animations on the specialty. The building's striking refractive glass fountain is shown here.
Academic Libraries -- Access to most materials at area college and university libraries is available to the public on-site. You can purchase a guest library card to check out library materials. Access to the library databases is available on-site but off-campus access is available only to the institution's students, faculty, and staff.
The New York Public Library is awe-inspiring for its scope and breadth. As the third largest library in North America with more than 50 million items in its collection, it encompasses 87 libraries serving 3.5 million people across the state. The Rose Main Reading Room acts as the centerpiece of the library, with grand arched windows along its 52-foot walls, and also featuring chandeliers and a gilded and painted ceiling. The library acquired America's first Gutenberg Bible, and also houses collections with a special emphasis on Americana literature and printed materials. Among the most recognizable sites on our list, the library has made multiple appearances in feature films, as a key setting in the film The Day After Tomorrow and as a prominent backdrop in the original Ghostbusters, among others.
The Phillips Exeter Academy Library is the biggest library in the world when it comes to secondary school libraries. In a way, this is one of the most impressive libraries on our list for being merely a part of a prep school, albeit one of the wealthiest prep schools in the world. Designed by architect Louis Kahn, the the structure has won numerous architectural awards, including a Twenty-five Year Award by the American Institute of Architects, which is given to only one prestigious building each year. The library was even commemorated on a U.S. Postal Service stamp in 2005 as one of 12 stamp-worthy Masterworks of Modern American Architecture.
Formatting a paper means using proper references within the text and bibliography, but also using the stylistic matters laid out in the AMA Manual of Style to format the text. This includes such factors as using headings and capitalizing them appropriately, line spacing, margins, text style issues (such as using "one" or "1", using AM or a.m. or A.M.), placement of page numbers, preferred font and spacing for graphs, preferred size and shape for tables, etc. This guide includes some basic help on manuscript style, but it is not extensive.
Rank ordering of journals by cost per use is a technique that highlights a serial's cost effectiveness. Cost-per-use data are available in many libraries because of past serials cancellation projects; the data include subscription costs and circulation data compiled for a specified time period. For the toxicology collection, eight titles out of twenty cost more than $100 per use (Table 2). These eight titles were examined and, based upon faculty input, three were selected for cancellation with document delivery being recognized as a reasonable alternative to ownership. Five titles have been retained for their support of specialized areas of the curriculum and research but are subject to annual review to gauge their continued usefulness. In an evaluation report, a list of serials, ranked by annual cost and including cost-per-use data, is useful for educating faculty about some of the issues surrounding serials management in an academic library.
Using the MARC standard also enables libraries to make use of commercially available library automation systems to manage library operations. Many systems are available for libraries of all sizes and are designed to work with the MARC format. Systems are maintained and improved by the vendor so that libraries can benefit from the latest advances in computer technology. The MARC standard also allows libraries to replace one system with another with the assurance that their data will still be compatible.
Now we are in an exciting age when powerful, inexpensive computers are available for the management of library operations in all types and sizes of libraries. Computer software programs allow an individual library to have its own self-contained circulation system or online public access catalog. These programs often can read, store, and print MARC records. Today's computers use hard disks and floppy disks for storage of information rather than the tape drives used by mainframe computers. For computers, data is commonly sent and received on floppy disks. From the floppy disks, bibliographic records are uploaded to the stationary hard disk.